a restful moment
~in a life that~
tends to go dull
~in flat moments~
too frequently grounded
~in anxious tasks~
and tense hope

Do you ever just need a little break from the hustle-bustle life?Even a life that is full of tasks that you both want and need to do can feel overwhelming at times. Sometimes I start to wonder if I'm living the way I want to-where's the art? Where are those lovely moments? I can get so anxious that I feel sort of cocooned in a coping numbness that zaps the joy from my life. Poetry is an antidote to that feeling- as is art.
Recently, I started getting The Writer's Almanac delivered to my email address each morning. Blogger Dana mentioned that she enjoyed starting her day by reading a poem each morning. I followed up on her link suggestion and started a free subscription to The Writer's Almanac. It's such a pleasure to know that I will have that little treasure waiting for me each morning along with the sometimes dreaded business email that comes flooding in- along with plenty of spam! These photographs are views that I've taken just before going off to work in the morning. I imagine that many of you also take out your phone camera and like me, look for that inspirational view to capture and perhaps post in a future blog?
Recently, I started getting The Writer's Almanac delivered to my email address each morning. Blogger Dana mentioned that she enjoyed starting her day by reading a poem each morning. I followed up on her link suggestion and started a free subscription to The Writer's Almanac. It's such a pleasure to know that I will have that little treasure waiting for me each morning along with the sometimes dreaded business email that comes flooding in- along with plenty of spam! These photographs are views that I've taken just before going off to work in the morning. I imagine that many of you also take out your phone camera and like me, look for that inspirational view to capture and perhaps post in a future blog?
I've had exciting news this week. My daughter, Amber, was nominated for the US Presidential Scholar Program/award! It was thrilling to know that she scored so high on her SAT. She also just recieved another honor- The Provost Scholarship- it's a cash award for academic excellence that goes towards one of her colleges. Did I tell you that she's applied to ten universities? Each one has so much paperwork for the parent to complete. I get anxious about my obliglations. Will I forget an important deadline? Argh. Still everything that is a stretch (even for my own good) has that transition tension and anxiety- at least that's how I experience it. We're going to Colorado for a long weekend to check out a couple of universities soon. My "to do list" grows!
I'd love to hear how you all engage life with vitality and inspiration.
Visit Dana at http://djhoeschen.wordpress.com/