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Thursday, November 14, 2013

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Walking Along the Old City Wall

Enjoying the ocean view from the wall of the Old City
photo credit - Wendell Villanueva

Quality Time 

If you are looking for a way to spend your holiday vacation and you live in Puerto Rico. I recommend that you try an exercise that I assign in my Travel in Literature class called "A Tourist for the Day." In this activity, you decide to role play and pretend to be a visitor to the island. You might be delighted to discover that everything becomes fresh when seen with new eyes. How many of us do not spend time enjoying our very own backyard? Imagine if you live on an island and forget to notice the deep blue of the water, the intense green of the foliage and the rich history of the Old City.

In the day pictured above, I took many photographs of the views as seen from the ancient wall. After a long walk around the entire city, my walking partner (Mr. Wendell) and I ate at Cafe Manolins. I had a substantial portion of Mofongo and salad for an extremely economical price. Later, I found an incredible Fernando Botero sclupture that I still dream of possessing.

"Yoga" Botero - on my wish list and priced at $2,500

It's true that when you live in a tourist destination, you should take time to look around but this is also true wherever you live.

See the beauty around us and make it real.

We should always ask ourselves the question,

"What can I appreciate in my own backyard?" 


  1. You are lucky to live in a vacation worthy place and wise to take advantage of it. Nice photo of you!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Sarah. As you know, it doesn't matter where you live but does matter whether you have eyes to see the beauty of your own location - and you certainly do! You make your home state in Maine beautiful with your vibrant photographs and paintings.

    All locations are vacation worthy!


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